Help wanted

Students volunteers needed for this year’s Open House


Open house, open doors. Prospective students will visit Jones College Prep for the Open House

As Jones prepares for its annual Open House, taking place on Oct. 15, faculty are working together with the hope that many students will volunteer.

During the Open House, Jones will open its doors to prospective students and guardians, and showcase its merit, ideally with the help of many student volunteers.

“We need our student population to come and show off why Jones is, in my opinion, the number one school in the city and in the state,” said Pablo Lopez, the Climate and Culture Coordinator. 

By volunteering, students help provide an in-depth view on how Jones works to prospective students and families by sharing their knowledge. 

“At a previous Open House, I gave examples of how the curriculum is structured and I think it helped visitors know what the school is like,” said Jiya Pai ‘23, who will represent the clubs Choice For Change, Science Olympiad, and Women in Stem this year.

Teachers have mentioned student volunteers’ ability to express their Jones experience in a way that teachers can’t.

“Student volunteers have been immensely helpful because this is their high school and they can speak about their experiences much better than I can as a teacher,” said English Department chair Caitlin Miller.

Parents and guardians have also found students helpful when it comes to understanding what the Jones community is, beyond strong academics.  

“As a parent, being able to talk to students that are involved in the school helps provide a picture of what the climate and culture is like,” said Lainey Weinstein, a Friend of Jones and parent of two Jones alumni.

Jones students can also help serve as a guide and inspiration to prospective students.

“Sometimes Jones students can serve as role models to other students. Especially if they went to the same middle school [as prospective students], which could make them want to come to Jones even more,” said Lopez.

To help prepare for student volunteers, Jones faculty have carefully planned the duties they will carry out.

“Some general roles we’re planning [include] readers, tour guides, clubs and organizations and sports representatives,” said Nicole Guevera, the Assessment Coordinator. 

While students and families have found value in interacting with current students, teachers have also found them incredibly helpful in executing previous Open Houses.

“There’s a lot of work for me on Open House day in terms of setup, and student volunteers have been so helpful for me in getting books, making copies, answering questions, etc.,” said Miller.

Besides Jones students getting ready to help out and speak about the school, this upcoming Open House, faculty will take a more active role in showcasing talents and activities. 

“We intend to highlight all of our sports and performing arts programs,” said Lopez.

Exhibiting Jones’ assets also helps middle schoolers decide whether to apply. 

“I think having access to many activities, opportunities, classes, etc., is really important to students, and can help visitors decide to come to Jones,” said Miller.

Not only are teachers, students, and administration trying to build an opportunity-filled environment, but so are the Friends of Jones.

“Us [at] Friends of Jones hope that by supporting the students, teachers and administration, we can help create an environment that is welcoming and provide our experiences to help shape the next class of future Eagles,” said Weinstein.

Together, faculty, students, and Friends of Jones are hoping to create a memorable Open House.

“We hope to make sure that this little secret of a gem that is Jones isn’t going to remain secret,” said Lopez.