New club tests the waters

Sailing Club cruises into Jones


Views of downtown Chicago from the water, may draw new members to join

The sun is shining down on the cold, crisp, blue water. The wind’s blowing in your face and the sun’s shining in your eyes. Your heart’s beating as the wind hits your sail. All of your hard work and practice finally pay off as you cross the finish line and win your first race. This is what five Jones students get to experience every week as a part of the brand new Jones Sailing Club.

Captain and founder Emmett Nevel ‘21 has had a passion for sailing all his life and wanted to bring his favorite sport to Jones.

“I’ve sailed all my life and I wanted to continue my sailing in high school and share my passion with others,” Nevel said. “About two years ago, a smaller club existed that didn’t last long, and I wanted to resurrect it and bring sailing to Jones again.”

The club is currently still searching for a teacher sponsor because not many teachers have the time or love of sailing to make a commitment. However, Nevel believes there won’t be too much of a time commitment.

“If I ever needed their room one or two times a year to hold a meeting, that’s all I would need them for” said Nevel.

The club is organized through Columbia Yacht Club as opposed to the school, so a teacher sponsor isn’t necessary.

“It’s more of a Columbia Team that represents Jones than a Jones sport or club,” said sailor Will Gardner ‘19.

The club meets at Columbia Yacht Club for practice three times a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. During practice, everyone in the club participates in drills and races against each other to get ready for upcoming competitions. They compete in competitions every other Saturday against other yacht clubs, schools, and organizations.

“[I joined the sailing club because] it’s something new to try and a way to meet people and make new friends. You don’t need any experience. I had barely any, the people are really friendly, and it’s a great time and super fun to try a new thing,” said Gardner.

The Sailing Club currently has five members and is looking to add more and expand.

Adam Burke ‘19 is currently thinking about joining Sailing Club and wants to try something new. His dad sailed in college yet Burke himself has never sailed before.

“Sailing has always seemed like a really fun sport and is really worthwhile if you are ever stranded at sea and is a great survival skill to learn,” said Burke. “Sailing seems fun on its own and meeting new people is an added benefit. Sailing Club is definitely something I’d want to be a part of.”