As norovirus cases continue to rise across the country, it’s starting to progressively become more of a concern around Jones.
“I’m always hearing about another person I know that has gotten sick,” said Alec Young ‘27.
The virus, known for causing severe stomach issues, has been spreading rapidly among students.
“It started with about a six-hour-long stomach ache that was really weird,” said Young. “But it only got worse. Then I got this terrible headache and before I knew it, I was just throwing up everything.
The symptoms tend to be overwhelming, often forcing infectees to stay home resting for several days.
“I hear it lasts about three days,” said Young, “which makes sense, because I had to miss three whole days of school.”
Norovirus, often called the “stomach flu,” is a highly contagious illness that spreads through contact with infected surfaces, food, or people.
“If I knew how easy it was to catch, I would’ve been much more careful with staying clean and being mindful of what I touch,” said Everett Sporrong ‘27, another student who caught norovirus recently.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms typically develop within 12 to 48 hours of exposure.
“It started so quickly. The stomach ache wasted no time, and before I knew it I was throwing up all over the place,” said Sporrong.
Sporrong caught the virus over the weekend but recalled how unexpected the effects were.
“It hit me out of nowhere. At first, I thought I was just worn out from the school week, but then it got worse,” said Sporrong.
Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps are the most common symptoms upon infection.
“The worst part was definitely the vomiting. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that sick before,” said Young.
The feeling of utter exhaustion that pairs with the constant vomiting doesn’t make the sickness any easier, either.
“It makes you throw up even when there’s nothing in your stomach to throw up. It resorts to your own stomach acid, it’s really nasty,” said Young.
The virus is known for its resilience, lingering on surfaces and resisting common hand sanitizers.
“I always wash my hands, but I still got sick. Maybe I just wasn’t careful enough,” said Morgan Thielke ‘27, another student who recently fought a norovirus infection.
Thielke struggled with the impact of missing multiple days of school, even though she had no other choice.
“It was really hard missing school. Classes that I’m in like math and chemistry, there aren’t days that you can just skip,” said Thielke.
Many students have found it difficult to catch up on work while recovering from the illness.
“I had a huge amount of work to catch up on, and it was already hard enough to focus,” said Thielke.
Some adults at Jones are making an effort to raise awareness about the sickness, urging students to practice proper hygiene.
“I’ve heard a couple of my teachers announcing to my classmates the importance of washing our hands, especially during this time of year,” said Thielke.
Some health officials stress that hand sanitizer alone may not be enough to keep you safe from the virus.
“It’s easy to forget the importance of something so small, like washing your hands, but it really does make a difference,” says Young.
The Chicago Department of Public Health has warned that norovirus cases will likely continue to rise this season.
“I’ve told all my friends to be more conscious of their hands. I always say, ‘the thirty seconds it takes to wash your hands is a small price to pay for the three days of torture,’” said Sporrong.
In the event that you fall ill, it’s recommended that you stay home and take time to recuperate in order to avoid infecting others.
“I tried to push through at first, brushing it off as a typical cold, but it ended up worsening until I couldn’t put it off anymore,” said Thielke.
As the outbreak continues, students stress the importance of staying safe, clean, and hygienic.
“Trust me,” said Young. “The last thing you want is to catch norovirus. It’s not fun one bit, and after having it I can appreciate the value of small things, like washing your hands.”