January 2025 Jones College Prep calendar, JCP calendar from JCP website.
Due to changes in the 2024-25 school year’s schedule, finals week at Jones College Prep will take place after winter break instead of before, sparking controversy among students. While many believe it to be a detrimental shift, the change is welcomed by some students.
“Having winter break before finals is really helpful because there’s extra time to study and put emphasis and time and energy into your study habits instead of cramming it all in in the last week before break,” said Caroline Friesen ‘27.
Finals week is typically surrounded by immense levels of stress on students, as they attempt to finish all of their work while preparing for exams.
“I will likely feel more pressure to study during break, but this pressure can be positive as it forces me to be productive,” said Clare Shaw ‘27.
With this break lasting two full weeks, many students have the opportunity to spend time with friends and family, while also finding ways to stay on track with their studies.
“There is still plenty of time to do both studying as well as spending time with friends and family,” said Friesen.
Additionally, as finals week takes place the second week after coming back from break, students are given a full week to review in class and study specific material in the days leading up to exams.
“This week will allow students to have one-on-one time with teachers, and we will have all of the time we need to get back into routine before the end of the semester,” said Shaw.
The altered schedule is also paired with changes in the grading system, which many students view as helpful.
“Our final grade is combined with our other test grades because it allows us to not have as much pressure placed on finals itself,” said Nati Gertzenstein ‘27.
Specific classes have large projects to be completed throughout the semester. More time over break allows for more leisurely completion.
“For AP Lang the winter break will especially be helpful because, for Mr. Anderson’s AP Lang class, we have to do our final project, which is a portfolio,” said Friesen. “I can use the break to work and make progress on my portfolio in which I have to comment on big summative works we’ve done throughout the year”
Students are attempting to plan their breaks so they can enjoy their time off while also making time for school.
“Hopefully, I will be able to balance relaxing over the holidays while preparing for finals,” said Shaw.