π in the face
Juniors at Jones hold their first successful Pi Day fundraiser

With the goal of promoting school spirit and fostering a sense of togetherness, the junior Student Government Association (SGA) brought back the Pi Day Fundraiser at Jones.
“We just wanted the school to be together,” said Dorsa Kameli ‘24, junior class president. “We wanted more school spirit and I think students seeing their teachers getting pied is something they wanted.”
Throughout the planning of the Pi Day fundraiser, SGA members expected both students and the administration at Jones to enjoy this fundraiser.
“We hold class meetings every week and talk about how to fundraise, we figured out Pi Day would be perfect for both teachers and students, so we planned it,” said Edward Bonilla ‘24, junior class treasurer.
Out of 12 teachers and administration participating, four of them will get pied by Jones students on March 14th.
“[The] three teachers who raised the most money got pied by the three students that were able to recite the most numbers of pi during the Pi Day assembly,” said Kameli.
On the first day of fundraising, SGA set up in the lobby, gaining student attention and hoping to get students to donate their money for the teacher they wanted to see pied.
“Seeing the donations start, there seems like there will be a lot of student participation,” said Bonilla.
With high student participation, the junior class will have more funds for their senior year.
“The fundraising money is going towards our junior fund to offset the cost of prom,” says Sinead O’Sullivan ‘24, junior class representative. “This makes prom tickets less expensive for the class of 2024.”
SGA’s planning paid off, as Ms. Riegert, Mr. Mitchell, Dr. Plunkett, and Jones School Security Officer, Greg Lee all received a full face of pie and received applause.
“I really enjoyed it and thought it was funny seeing the teachers and admin get pied,” says Leslie Arredondo ‘24. “I think one of the reasons the event did so well is because of how many teachers were involved.”
Not only did attendees have fun, but they also appreciated the activity put on by their fellow students.
“We don’t have a lot of school spirit here at Jones, and I think people were excited to see their favorite staff members and admin get involved in something that the Jones community had a say in,” said O’Sullivan.
With a successful Pi Day, the Junior SGA raised more than expected and are excited for future fundraisers and activities to be able to show high levels of school spirit.
“The expectations were way overreached. We didn’t expect to get anywhere near as much money or turnout as we got,” said O’Sullivan. “The SGA members had tons of fun. It was fun to put together and see everyone excited in the stands.”