New class captured

Advanced photography makes its way into the coursebook


A new class will be available at Jones starting in the 2023-2024 school year: Advanced Photography. 

After much convincing, it got authorized and will be taught by Suzanna Makol Zamudio, with the goal of providing students more artistic options in their course selection.

“The only requirement to take Advanced Photography is to have taken Digital Imaging I, as we will be building off of its foundations,” said Makol Zamudio.

Despite both being based in the digital side of art, Digital Imaging I and Advanced Photography have different priorities.

“Digital Imaging I is more of a survey course. You learn manual photography, Photoshop, video, etc. Meanwhile, Advanced Photography goes deeper into the photography side of it,” said Makol Zamudio.

Students who have taken Digital Imaging I agree that what they learned in the class could help them in Advanced Photography.

“Looking for different positions, the perfect background and observing what should be taken out or put into a shot are Digital Imaging skills that I think would benefit me,” said Calissa Stevens ’24, a student who has taken Digital Imaging I and other art courses.

Technique is not emphasized in the new class, since it builds on previously learned skills.

“We can still learn new techniques, but I’m going to set it up more based on themes,” said Makol Zamudio. “We’ll look at artists and other sources of inspiration and make a series of photographs based on themes.”

Some students hope that the class will dive into more conceptual ideas and themes.

“I’m hoping the class will take a more conceptual approach since I like to learn and work with different subjects and concepts,” said Stevens.

Makol Zamudio plans on the class being centered around building a portfolio.

“I was thinking that a website could be made for students to showcase their portfolio, and that the gallery in the north building could also be used,” said Makol Zamudio.

Students share excitement about the idea of creating a portfolio.

“I really like the idea of having a portfolio. I think it’d be cool to see the work we did, our progression, and themes at the end of the year through it,” said Jashyla Haltom’ 24, who is interested in photography and took two years of Digital Imaging. 

Students said that it can be the base that launches their artistic pursuits.

“I think a portfolio will be beneficial, especially to those planning to go to college or pursuing art because you can see your development,” said Stevens.

Advanced Photography could be the place to spark a students’ realization as to a future career, alongside those already interested in the subject.

“I think Advanced Photography could be a stepping stone in students realizing what they want to go into in the art field,” said Haltom.

This class provides more options to students who want to take a more digital approach to art.

“I was so excited to find out about the Advanced Photography class since I didn’t want to do Digital Imaging but still wanted to remain in that sphere of creativity,” said Haltom.

A few students were pleasantly taken aback by the new addition.

“I was very surprised by the addition of Advanced Photography because I thought the curriculum was never going to change,” said Stevens.

Overall, many share a positive and excited sentiment around the new class.

“I think the implementation of Advanced Photography is a good decision by the art department and I’m thankful to whoever had this idea,” said Haltom.

More information on the Advanced Photography class can be found in the 2023-2024 course book.
“If anyone has any questions about the class, they can email me at [email protected],” said Makol Zamudio. “I have high hopes for what the students do, and I don’t want them to feel intimidated by the class. Rather, I want to support them in making work they’re proud of.”