No use detected

Students reflect on school security measures 

The use of metal detectors during the morning entrance routine at Jones College Prep, a norm across the Chicago Public Schools, is a controversial topic that elicits a multitude of reactions among students. 

“From the almost three years that I’ve been here, we’ve had multiple threats where I have literally gone home because I was scared,” said Jessie Vautier ‘23. “It’s about fostering an environment where the students feel like a priority.”

Other students believe that the use of metal detectors is more of a nuisance than a form of protection. 

“I feel safe at school,” stated Bethany Poisson ‘24. “I find the metal detectors irritating, because if somebody really wanted to do something dangerous I’m sure they could find a different way to do it other than going through the metal detectors.”

But some believe that their quality of education is being diminished due students’ fears of safety. 

“If we can’t feel at least somewhat safe at the bare minimum, how are we expected to focus on what we are being taught?” said Vautier.

Some students have also observed a lack of metal detector usage, which has raised concerns.

“[The metal detectors] would be cool if Jones used them, but they don’t,” said Gus Zaruba ‘24. “I think I went through it one total time.”

Many students do their best to avoid the metal detectors because they see it as an annoyance. 

“I know that a lot of students try to get to school before or after the metal detectors [are in use] because it’s such a seemingly unnecessary thing to have to do,” said Poisson.

Besides the level of necessity of the detectors, students have also expressed concerns about time being wasted. 

“They kind of just seem like an extra step in the morning that makes everything take a lot longer than it needs to,” said Poisson. 

Some students argue that if the metal detectors are used more frequently, teachers should be more understanding if students are tardy.

“I feel like using them more will back up people getting into the school, so if they use them more they can’t expect us not to be tardy,” said Zaruba. “But I feel like everyone should have to go through the metal detectors at least once a week.”

Despite the mixed reactions from the student body, many advocate for a change in the level of security at Jones. 

“I know that coming into the school every morning, they have the metal detectors but they never make anyone go through them,” said Vautier. “The security guards definitely need better training, or they at least need some stricter protocol.”