Our View: Campaign for Clowns
Homecoming elections are here and the Jones student body could not care less, yet campaign posters for the homecoming court have sprouted around the school like Jones students at a Chance concert. There has never been such a blatant example of a pointless popularity contest. Have some dignity for yourselves.
Homecoming is a fun event. But the homecoming court is completely superficial. If you were to win the court, the glory only lasts for about two hours, less if the other party goers are easily distracted. For the majority of participants who don’t win, it will ruin their homecoming experience. Days later, in school no one will be walking around desperately basking in their win from a few days prior. Despite what Hollywood has taught you, no one in the years to come will respect your paltry parade of past popularity that is a spot on the homecoming court, nor will you even remember it.
There are more productive uses of your time. If being involved in school makes that much of a difference to you, join SGA and dedicate your time to creating some degree of school spirit. In fact, help the rest of us out. Instead of wearing the cheap plastic crown and a sash, join Green Team. If the homecoming court is an activity you have time for, you need a hobby.
To take a page out of Mean Girls, “why is everybody stressing over this thing? I mean, it’s just plastic…”
Homecoming court is about being selected by your peers. Unlike SGA elections, homecoming court is not voted on based on merit, it’s solely about popularity. Furthermore, there’s nothing that a king or queen would do, they stand up, wave, and share one awkward slow dance. If there’s no purpose in being a queen or king, the only other reason to run is for an ego boost or a couple more likes on Instagram. People who need to be called prince and princess are often the ones the ones least deserving of that title.
Homecoming court is pointless. The campaign posters around our school are sad reminders of the time spent on a unimportant pursuit. In the most judgmental of perspectives, campaigning hard to become homecoming royalty is a self fulfilling prophecy of peaking in high school. The only way to add meaning to this vapid title would be to give this “honor” based on merit. If this was given out for a good deed or notable action, being elected king or queen would actually mean something.

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